Friday, December 28, 2012

How To: Turn a Banana Over-Ripe in the Oven

A few weeks ago I had gone to the grocery, did my usual grocery shopping but picked up some bananas. Usually, I do not ever get bananas but this time I did; I had it in my head that I wanted to make some banana bread. However, banana bread with yellow bananas would not work, so I started to ponder how I could make the bananas I had purchased over-ripe faster than letting them sit out on the counter.

I started to do some research and discovered that bananas turn brown in warmer temperatures and that people sometimes sit them outside to brown faster…well as you all know it’s not warm outside in Tennessee right now. After a minutes of pondering what I was going to so the light bulb went off in my head….hello you have an oven!!

So I decided to try an experiment with my bananas in my oven and it was successful!!

Over-ripe Bananas in your Oven

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
On a cookie sheet/ pizza pan, arrange your bananas so they are not touching (about an inch apart)

For 15 minutes, cook bananas on the side they are on. After the 15 minutes are up, flip the bananas over and cook again for another 15 minutes

Once the bananas are done, let cool for 10 to 15 minutes before use.

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