Sunday, November 11, 2012

Honey Garlic Pork Cutlets

Story from my past: In the summer of 2002, between my 7th and 8th grade years in middle school I took a trip to Gunpo City, South Korea. Up until that time I had never been out side of the country and I honestly could not wait to go some place I had never been. Not every having had any Korean food before in my life, I was in for a shock...

Upon my arrival there we were treated to a spread sort of like what you would find for Thanksgiving dinner, however, their spread included things I had never even thought about eating. I soon learned that bulgogi (marinated beef that has been grilled or pan-cooked), ours was grilled on an open faced grill right there on our table, and white rice would be most of what I ate on that trip. I tried the kimchi both the cabbage and cucumber kind and numerous other delicacies South Koreans enjoy at meal time.

My inspiration for this dish came from the base ingredients you typically find in a traditional Korean marinade: soy sauce, sugar, oil, pepper, and garlic; except I gave it my twist.

Honey Garlic Pork Cutlets

1/4 cup honey
3 tbsp low sodium soy sauce
2 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp dijon mustard
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 lbs pork cutlets, about 4 to 6 pork cutlets

In a bowl combine all ingredients and whisk together. Add your pork cutlets and let sit in refrigerator to marinate.

You can marinate the pork for 30 minutes or longer for pork to soak up the flavor.

When you are ready to cook the pork. Preheat over 350 degrees and in a shallow baking dish cover with aluminum foil. Place pork cutlets on the foil and let bake for about 30 minutes.

*** You can use this marinade for pork chops, pork tenderloin, chicken, steaks, or salmon. ***

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